About Alêtheia
Alêtheia Christian Fellowship is the church with the funny name. Few get it right on their first attempt. Alêtheia means Truth in the original language of the New Testament. It is pronounced, “ah-LAY-thay-uh.” John 14:6 ~ Jesus said to him, "I AM the Way, and the Truth (Alêtheia), and the Life; no one comes to the Father but through Me." The name of the church expresses our desire to teach the Alêtheia without compromise, in the love that’s at the very heart of God's message.
The church was founded by Pastor Scott Keller, as a non-denominational Christian church in late 2003. The first public service was held at the Outlaw Inn in Kalispell, Montana on January 18, 2004.
The sermons are challenging and require a certain level of effort to follow. Outlines are provided. The Music is contemporary and is designed to assist community praise and worship with special attention paid to lyrics. The fellowship is genuine.
Doctrinal Statement
We are convinced beyond question that God exists. However, we acknowledge that it is utterly impossible for finite creatures bound by space and time, to know anything about the infinite Creator who transcends all things unless He reveals Himself in some tangible way. Any such revelation must be concrete, universal and absolute or it would be indistinguishable from mere human subjective thought.
We believe God has revealed Himself in this way through His perfect Word. The Bible is God's Word in written form inspired by the Holy Spirit and is a single cohesive and perfect revelation of God's love for mankind. The overarching Biblical theme is the incarnation of the Word of God as Jesus Christ, who alone is able to bridge the chasm between God and man. The Bible, supernaturally created and sustained by Almighty God is therefore infallible in that it represents all that God desires it to be. It is the complete and non-negotiable Truth of the living God and as such is authoritative and relevant for every generation, person, and situation.
We believe that any doctrinal statement beyond this, while possibly correct, is nevertheless inappropriate. If the Word of God is clear on a point, it is already doctrine from God, so who are we to restate it? If, on the other hand, the Word of God is not clear on a point, who are we to clarify it as God's doctrine? Let God speak from His Holy Word as He determines, without man adding or deleting, emphasizing or de-emphasizing, smoothing or distorting. Amen.
In Plain English
Coming from a tumultuous and somewhat bizarre religious background, Pastor Scott is now driven to present the Bible as accurately as possible. The greatest advantage of being non-denominational, is the ability to utilize the very best scholarship from across denominational lines. The primary English text used is the NASB, but since everything begins from the original language, a variety of translations are used when appropriate.